Lang John on a Deid Man’s Chest
starnies up abune leave weel alane
I reenge the Muckle Furth in search o gowd
I skelp aff ithers’ heids wi ma swack blade
Gie ilkie bluidy corp a wattery shroud
Foo is it that ma blaik hairt lowps an stoons
At clink o siller, glisk o gems an pearls
An gars me hunt until the warld’s eyn
Aa treisur? At its touch, each finger dirls
Fa kens? Some fowk contentit, bide at hame
Bake breid, clip claith. I hae a derker goal
Ma weird’s tae sail aneth a reiver’s flag
For I hae fire an brimsteen in ma soul
Sae here I staun, the bairnie’s bogieman
I reenge the Muckle Furth in search o gowd
I skelp aff ithers’ heids wi ma swack blade
Gie ilkie bluidy corp a wattery shroud
Foo is it that ma blaik hairt lowps an stoons
At clink o siller, glisk o gems an pearls
An gars me hunt until the warld’s eyn
Aa treisur? At its touch, each finger dirls
Fa kens? Some fowk contentit, bide at hame
Bake breid, clip claith. I hae a derker goal
Ma weird’s tae sail aneth a reiver’s flag
For I hae fire an brimsteen in ma soul
Sae here I staun, the bairnie’s bogieman
John, wi parrot an a cripple’s stick
Castin a shadda derk as puddock bree
Castin a shadda derk as puddock bree
Wi bling
an scars, hale pirate’s rickmatick
An wis I bred tae be Auld Clootie’s fier?
Or wis’t a soorness in ma mither’s wyme?
An wis I bred tae be Auld Clootie’s fier?
Or wis’t a soorness in ma mither’s wyme?
Chaunce or Fate, or Natur grew me coorse?
I neither
ken nor care, I’m thirled tae crime!
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